Friday 7 February 2014

Flood Warning

Important Information. 

A Flood Warning has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Upper Avon, Upavon to Amesbury. 

Flooding is expected for areas in Upavon, Haxton, Haxton Bridge, Netheravon, Milston, Durrington and Bulford in close proximity to the River Avon this morning. 

Immediate action required.

Water levels in the upper Avon from Upavon to Amesbury are rising and expected to peak at Amesbury this morning. River and ground water levels in this area can be expected to remain high for several days. Further showers are forecast during Friday.

The gauges that can be used to trigger this Flood Warning are Upavon East and Upavon West.
Stay tuned to radio weather, news and travel bulletins on BBC Wiltshire, Heart Wiltshire, BBC Radio Solent, Spire FM and Wave 105.

- Act now to protect yourself and your property.

- If it's safe to do so, block doors with flood boards or sandbags and cover airbricks and other ventilation holes.

- If you are caught in a flash flood, get to higher ground.  Stay away from flood water and don't take risks. 

- Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place. 

- Keep a flood kit ready including a torch, batteries, fully charged mobile phone, warm clothes, water, food and any prescription medicines you may need.

- If it's safe, make sure your neighbours are aware of the situation and offer help to anyone who may need it.

- Avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water.

- Turn off gas, electricity and water if your property is about to flood.  Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water.

- Call Floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quickdial 166059 for up-to-date flooding information.

- Keep an eye on local water levels and weather conditions.  The Environment Agency website contains details of river level and flooding information and can be accessed at


South West Region, Wessex Area
Flood Warning Duty Officer - Blandford
Area Incident Room
Rivers House
Blandford Forum
DT11 8ST
Floodline: 0845 988 1188

Please do not reply to this email.  If you want more information about flooding or to stop receiving these emails, please phone Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or log onto Floodline Warnings Direct at

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